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Choshen Mishpat Renaissance

Choshen Mishpat Renaissance

Choshen Mishpat
Weekly podcast. Next episode any day now.

A weekly in-depth & practical דיני ממונות class based on the Alter Rebbe's חושן משפט

Maggid Shiur: HaRav Berel Polityko

A project of Kollel L'Rabbonei Chabad

*No cost to join!*

26 episodes  •  0 archived  •  
Purim Prep 101: Toiveling, Challah, and Egg FAQs
March 10
41 mins
The Subtle Art of Interrogating a Liar
March 4
35 mins
Lost in the Living Room: Hashavas Aveidah in a Private Home
February 24
31 mins
Lost and Found in Shul: Does it Belong to the Shul?
February 17
29 mins
Cash on the Ground-Finders Keepers?
February 3
20 mins
The Alter Rebbe Wants You to Know This
January 27
20 mins
Can You Keep It?
January 20
19 mins
The Case of the Missing Steak
January 14
29 mins
If Insurance Will Pay for It, Do You Still Have to Return It?
January 6
27 mins